Piotr Pryczynicz

ul. Sosnowa 37
17-200 Hajnówka
85 683 41 35
508 309 516, 511 300 811


Parquet standards

In Poland are manufactured parquets which fulfil requirements of Polish and German standards (DIN 280). Our firm manufactures parquets of 22 mm thickness.

Our ash parquet is divided into three quality classes, the I. class is additionally divided into three groups:

1. Natural ash (coloured – white & brown annual rings)
2. Brown ash – without white stripes
3. Light ash (so-called “white”) – without brown stripes

Prices of brown and natural ash are always equal, but white ash is always more expensive. Parquets are manufactured according to plant standards.

Plant standards for product classes Wood Plant

1. Parquet standards:


* I. class natural ash – no knots, board clean on one side, annual rings variable, natural diverse hue, humidity 9%,
* I. class brown ash – no knots, board clean on one side, annual rings variable, diverse brown hue (no clearly visible white inclusions), humidity 9%,
* I. class light ash – no knots, board clean on one side, annual rings variable, diverse white and rosy hue (no clearly visible brown inclusions), humidity 9%,
* II. class – small knots and breaks permissible, annual rings variable, humidity 9%,
* III. class – all faults permissible, various annual rings and hue.


* I. class natural oak – no knots, board clean without splint on one side, annual rings naturally variable, natural colour, humidity 9%,
* II. class natural oak – small knots and breaks permissible, insignificant splint on sides, annual rings and hue variable, humidity 9%,
* III. class – all faults permissible, big knots, a lot of splint, humidity 9%.


During sorting not all faults are detected: each quality class may contain up to 2% of poorer quality wood (according to DIN 280 p. 4.1).

2. Permissible process faults:

* Upper surface: waviness after planing up to 0,3 mm deep,
* Lower surface: wood defects up to 2 mm deep, 5 mm wide and long for 1/3 of board length,
* Sides: pits and torn-off fibres up to 0,3 deep,
* Front: deviation of front surface perpendicularity from board’s longitudinal axis up to 0,5% of board length,
* Groves and tongues must guarantee proper laying of boards without gaps on the parquet surface.

3. Storage

Parquet should be stored in dry and well-ventilated room and protected against sunlight and precipitation. Packets should be insulated from the ground. Minimum storage temperature 20°C , optimum humidity below 60%.

4. Transportation

Parquet should be transported by covered means of transport. Packets should be handled with care.

5. Complaints

Parquet quality and humidity should be checked before laying, possibly just after delivery or acceptance. Our firm does not accept any complaints after parquet laying. Problems resulting from natural behaviour of wood do not constitute legal basis for complaint.


Telefon kontaktowy:
(85) 683 41 35
ul. Sosnowa 37,
17-200 Hajnówka